Image of Robotis Servo motor MBS-ANT-06

Robotis Servo motor MBS-ANT-06

ROBOTIS is a well-known manufacturer of robotics development platforms and components. This company is also active under the name DYNAMIXEL, servomotors with industrial quality and interfaces HER. The AX-18A servo motors are equipped with an integrated reduction ratio of 254:1, a controller with feedback and driver. In combination with the half-duplex interface, the servos can be very precisely controlled and also give the control device feedback on the current position at all times. The maximum resolution (position accuracy) is 1024 divisions. Because each servo can be assigned a unique ID, the servos can be connected in series (as illustrated below) and the cabling is reduced to a minimum.Compatible control unitsDue to the great popularity, various control units with different peripherals and UC's are available. All subsequent control electronics are, among other things, Arduino and ROS compatible form a basis for a combination of simple use together with extensive software packages. Raspberry Pi Dynamic Servo Controller Board (DSC) ROBOTIS OpenCM9.04 ROBOTIS OpenCR1.0This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 865.00

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