Image of VOLTCRAFT VSP 2410 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 01 - 40 V DC 0 - 10 A 809 W No of outputs 3 x

VOLTCRAFT VSP 2410 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 01 - 40 V DC 0 - 10 A 809 W No of outputs 3 x

The VSP 2410 from Voltcraft is a high quality triple output variable DC power supply. On the power supply's two main outputs, voltage and current can be controlled in the range of 0.1 - 40Vdc (0 - 10A) using separate knobs for fine and course adjustment and 0 - 6Vdc (max 1.5A) on the VSP 2410's third output.All power supplies within Voltcraft's VSP series feature remote control via an external DC current and sense function. The VSP 2410's tracking function allows parallel or series connection of its two main outputs, allowing output voltage or current of an output to be doubled at the push of a button (output A acts as master).Custom C-limit presets can also be set on the VSP 2410's 1st and 2nd outputs, enabling curent limits to be adjusted without short circuits at the output.

Price: EUR 755.00

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