Image of US 113927982408174 VitagreenExtra Strength Uricsil

US 113927982408174 VitagreenExtra Strength Uricsil

Where does uric acid come from? Uric acid is formed from the breakdown of purines. Purine comes from food and is also naturally present in cells in our bodies. Thus, consumption of purine-rich food and beverages such as red meat, organ meat, seafood, bean products and alcohol would elevate blood uric acid level. Normally, around two-thirds of the uric acid produced daily is excreted by the kidneys and the other one-third by the intestine to achieve a normal uric acid level in blood. High uric acid level affects health When there is an over-production of uric acid in the body and the kidneys fail to remove uric acid efficiently, the uric acid level in blood will rise, resulting in joint discomfort as well as affecting the health of heart and kidney. 

Price: USD 59.00

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