Image of Plants vs Zombies Adult Zombie Costume | Video Game Costumes ID FUN6321AD-XL

Plants vs Zombies Adult Zombie Costume | Video Game Costumes ID FUN6321AD-XL

You always knew that vegetables were good for you but you would have never guessed that they could save your life, especially against a relentless onslaught of zombies. While we still hope the zombie apocalypse doesn't happen, it's slightly less scary thinking that your sunflowers might be the ones defending your abode from that terrifying onslaught!   Wouldn't it be great if plants could really truly protect you? We would definitely water that peace lily that’s languishing in our office right now. Really, you guys should see it. We have to be breaking some basic vegetable rights. We actually just had a Eureka moment here! We will be taking much better care of our poor plant from now on. It might not be valiantly defending us from zombies but it sure is cooking up some badly needed oxygen in here. Anyway, while we might not be green thumbs the high paced planting of the Plants vs Zombies games is a type of gardening we can get behind. If only the garden life was so easy and effective against adversaries in real life.   While we know how important it is to plant a line of those pea shooters to defend our plot, we can't all be good guys. If your friend is dressing in our awesome pea shooter ensemble you should probably go as the large headed cartoonish zombies of the franchise. Whether you decide to simply stalk through your neighbor's garden like a weirdo or you and your pea shooting friend are playing the craziest game of dodge ball anyone has ever seen, this costume is going to be a real blast! If nothing else, this zombie ensemble will definitely motivate those friends in your life to ramp up their gardening skills, digital or otherwise! 

Price: USD 59.99

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