The Mexicola Avocado Tree is a high-quality avocado that is cold-hardy and vigorous. The fruit is shiny and matures to a purple-black color with pale yellow-green flesh that has a nutty flavor. The skin is somewhat thin and the seeds are large, smooth, and remove easily when preparing. Mature Mexicola Avocado Trees are known to be cold hardy down to 18 degrees F. They can be grown in the ground in USDA Zones 8 to 11, or in a large container in colder areas and moved indoors during freezing months. Mexicola Avocados are a medium to large fruit, growing to sizes of between five and seven ounces. The Mexicola Avocado Tree grows to 25 to 30 feet tall and 25 feet wide when grown in the ground in ideal conditions. This tree can also be pruned to smaller sizes.