최신 기술의 퍼밍 & 안티 에이징 페이셜 크림
노화에 의한 피부 징후를 최소화합니다
활성 줄기 세포가 피부 생기를 복원합니다
피부 속 콜라겐 합성을 촉진합니다
피부 노화의 진행 속도를 늦춰 줍니다
탄력있고 젊어진 피부를 선사합니다NB-1 White Lupine Natural Active Compound Essence -- wakes and regulates the skin by activating it, and improves wrinkles and aging from the bottom to the epidermis; Make skin firmer, tender, smooth and elastic
- Biochemical polysaccharide- enhance skin moisturizing ability and increase moisturizing effect
- Mexican wild yam and soybean extract - rich in natural phytoestrogens, improves skin elasticity and moisture
- Anti-wrinkle plant compound - the extracts mainly come from Madagascar potato vine and Bangladesh tiger grass plant --- prevent skin aging and wrinkles, moisturize and restore skin elasticity
Suggested use of skin types:
- Skin with wrinkles and sagging
- Skin with dry, dull and without elasticity
Suitable for:
Those who want to deeply cleanse, nourish and rejuvenate
After cleansing the skin and essence, take an appropriate amount and apply evenly to the face.
Natural Beauty