Image of ID 516472000 150 Red Roses Bulk

ID 516472000 150 Red Roses Bulk has the perfect Red Roses Bulk for any occasion. This Red Roses Bulk is a pure red rose, with a large head and gently rolling petals that burst into a beautiful big bloom. The roses in the brilliant solid red color have inspired artists and lovers from all over the world. Red Roses Bulk are the ideal rose for any fund raising, Father's Day, and christmas or college graduation. Anyone would be thrilled to receive an armful of these gorgeous roses. Our beautiful red roses come in stem lengths form 24" to 26" which gives you a variety to choose from for any of your special events. wants to be your first choice for Red Roses Bulk and all of your floral needs. cut your roses 3-4 days before you receive them, which is more than a week earlier than most other retailers and wholesalers can promise. inspects each bloom for excellence and brings you the no worry promise that you'll be pleased and delighted with for your floral purchase. wants to keep you coming back for more beautiful roses and as a customer for years to come.

Price: USD 166.00

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