Brand from Hong Kong: Easy Beauty. Dark Spot Terminator: Be glowing white again.High-end whitening and red reduction with yeast peptides.Infuses 4 spot-terminating components(yeast peptides + aquaporins + centella extract + tranexamic acid) into the dermis, cuts melanin formation while filtering UV radiation ; cures yellow, coarse and dull skin; moisturizes and maintains suppleness and elasticity.Ultra-absorption; highly nourishing and smoothening; no left-over.Ingredients: Nobel prize-winning componentAquaporin ~ increase moisture capacity of skin cellsOther ingredients: World’s first youth water (Mayleech youth formulaTM)Yeast peptides, centella extract, dalton in the range 2000, hyaluronic acidTranexamic acid, whey protein lighiyellow sophora root, mimosa extract.Rumex crispus extract, rusucs aculteatus root extract, soluble protein, vitamins, etcroot extract, etcHow to use:Apply daily, morning and night.Take suitable amount and gently rub all over the face or on area with spots and pimple marks.