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ID 1213742553 Davidoff Winston Churchill

Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigars are the only ones to bear Sir Winston's name and iconic silhouette - a blend as complex as the man himself. To reflect Sir Winston Churchill's lifelong pursuit of tasting the wider world, Davidoff's Master Blender crafted fascinating blends of aged Nicaraguan, Ecuadorian, Mexican, and Dominican tobaccos. Explore the tastes and accessories inspired by Sir Winston's curiosity about life, quest for knowledge, and desire to travel. Binder: Mexican, Brand: Davidoff, Country of Origin: Dominican Republic, Davidoff, Dominican, Dominican Cigars, Filler: Dominican, Filler: Nicaraguan, Length: 4, Length: 4 1/2, Medium Cigars, Packaging: 5 Packs of 4, Packaging: 5 Packs of 5, Packaging: Pa

Price: USD 1.00

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