Image of ID 1�2�1�3�7�4�2�4�4�9 C�u�b�a�n� �S�e�g�u�n�d�o�s

ID 1213742449 Cuban Segundos

Cuban Segundo cigars are a value priced alternative when you want a good quality cigar without paying for the expensive ones. This Dominican cigar is smooth and an easy to smoke mild-medium bodied cigar. Binder: Dominican, Brand: Cuban Segundos, Country of Origin: Dominican Republic, Cuban Segundos, Dominican Cigars, Filler: Dominican, Length: 6, Length: 7, Medium Cigars, Mild Cigars, Packaging: Box of 50, Premium Cigars, Ring Gauge: 50, Ring Gauge: 54, S

Price: USD 8.00

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