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ID 1213742256 Cohiba

One of the oldest Cuban brands, Cohiba has been around for decades. Once the embargo was placed on Cuba, Cohiba became a brand known for not just their Cuban cigars, but for their delicious Dominicans. Now that the embargo has been lifted, you may find yourself preferring the Dominican stogies!Cohiba (Red Dot) cigars combine long-aged Dominican Cuban-seed fillers, rare Indonesian Jember binders and savory African Cameroon wrappers hand-rolled into a rich-tasting, perfectly-balanced and creamy-smooth smoke. 90+ Rated, Binder: Indonesian, Brand: Cohiba, Cohiba, Country of Origin: Dominican Republic, Dominican Cigars, Filler: Dominican, Full Cigars, Indonesian Cigars, Length: 5, Length: 5 1/2, Length: 6, Length: 7, Medium Cigars, Packaging: 5 Pack, Packaging:

Price: USD 2.00

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