Feature 14 megapixel sensor 1 2 3 inchEffective pixel 14 megapixelPixel size 1 43 1 43umFrame rate 60fpsDisplay FULL HDMaterial metal glassLens CS for test custom provideWhite balance Auto manualDigital magnification 5 times digital zoomBrightness control Auto manualColor R G B adjustableFreeze SupportOSD SupportFilm and record Support Cross cursor Support multi color size adjustableTransverse and vertical line Support multi color 5pcs of transverse lines vertical lines moveableSNR SupportTF card interface Max 64GHDMI interface Standard HDMI output Type A Lens CUSB interface Standard usb2 0 interface Type B Specification Model Camera with HDMI USB2 0 two outputImage format jpg png tiffImage resolution 4320 3240 for TF card 1920 1080 60FPS for TF card Video format MP4Video recorder 1920 1080 60FPS for TF Card USB Video resolution 1920 1080 30FPSWhite Balance AutoLight AutoColor ColorNegative SupportMorror Left right Up DownFreeze SupportOSD English ChineseLine different color 5 horizontal line 5 vertical line any positionsC MOUNT Lens parameter Working distance 55mm 200mmField of view 2 4mm 36mmzoom c mount Lens Magnification Power by 8X 120XSize 100mm L 25mm DIA Package includes 1 HDMI camera1 HDMI cable1 remote control1 C MOUNT Lens1 12V power supply1 Table StandPlease click here to download the softwareNote We will send you a plug adapter according to your country This product does not include a monitor Details pictures