Image of Baby Lion Cub Costume | Warm infant Halloween Costumes ID IN6003-XS

Baby Lion Cub Costume | Warm infant Halloween Costumes ID IN6003-XS

Don’t worry, you’re not the first parent to let your little one become the king of the household! It’s easy to get swept up in those big, bright eyes, those contagious giggles, those weird babbles that resemble an ancient language, and those sweet little fingers as they wrap around your own. Oh and don’t even get us started on how cute baby toes are! So, yeah, we get it; your kid is your pride and joy. So you want to make sure the first Halloween costume is one that captures your fierce love for your little one. So, let’s see...does your baby love sunbathing? How about sleeping for long stretches of time (by the way, if the answer is yes, consider yourself lucky)? Does your baby make a roar when upset? Is your baby very playful with brothers and sisters? Well, it sounds like you've got a little lion cub on your hands! But don't worry, they're pretty easy to tame. And they look great in our Baby Lion Cub Costume for infants and toddlers! OK, OK, so the only thing that will actually be tamed by this costume is your heart. We mean, look at this adorable outfit! It’s a cute and cozy jumpsuit with its own plush mane hood, floppy ears, and bendable tail. You know it’s a jungle out there, but your baby gets to remain blissfully unaware; we bet some of this good and powerful big cat energy will transfer to your tot with wear, though. So hold on tight and teach your baby how to rule with a healthy dose of cuteness! After all, it worked on you.

Price: USD 54.99

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