Image of Dwarf Washington Navel Orange Tree (Height: 2 - 3 FT)

Dwarf Washington Navel Orange Tree (Height: 2 - 3 FT)

The Washington Navel Orange tree is one of the most popular citrus trees available because they are easy to grow and require extremely low maintenance.The Washington Navel can often outperform all other growing citrus trees.This dwarf orange tree has been grafted onto a dwarf root stock which keeps the plant a compact form, growing to between 1-2 meters tall. The Dwarf Washington Navel Orange trees are suitable and best grown in full sunlight and fast-draining, sandy soil and hardy in the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. The good news is, this navel orange tree can be grown in a pot in zones 4 to 11 on your patio and taken indoors when the temperature outside dip below 55 degrees. In winter, you can take your potted orange tree indoor and enjoy the fragrant smell coming from the tree. The white flowers of the dwarf Washington Navel Orange tree emit a citrus, sweet-smelling aroma that is wonderful in spring, and has pretty foliage all year long. When the flowers turn into fruit, they mature into sweet, juicy seedless navel oranges that have much more flavor than fruits produced by other orange trees. Because of the delicious taste of the fruit of this dwarf citrus tree, it is great for eating out of hand, making into freshly-squeezed juice, or adding to salads. In addition, the easily peeled Dwarf Washington Navel oranges have a long shelf life (you can actually store them for weeks) so there is no need to consume them quickly before they go bad.

Price: USD 74.95

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